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Be Hot schedule  

Be Hot Class Descriptions

This all-levels Sculpted Flow class will begin with breath work and continue to ignite the spirit by the infrared heat. The fire within will continue to intensify as you flow through Sun A, Sun B, and powerful vinyasa flows. Intervals of resistance training is woven throughout the class using weights and resistance bands to increase your strength, range of motion and build lean, sculpted muscles.
 95-99 Degrees / 60 minute Class

 Be ready to glisten with sweat as you detoxify your body from the inside out. This is a sizzling 105 degree Bikram style class with 40% humidity. We follow the traditional 26 fixed posture sequence with 2 traditional breathing exercises. Bikram style yoga is extremely beneficial to improve balance, develop lower body strength, and increase joint mobility.
105 Degrees / 60 minute class

This is an excellent class for beginners and anyone looking to bring an awareness to their body. This class begins with breath work and transitions into a series of guided postures which enhances balance, strength, and structural alignment.
 Non-heated / 60 minute Class

Yin yoga helps the mind and body to surrender and let go. This class focuses on deep stretching and allows postures to be held longer to lengthen the fascia tissue (thin connective tissue that surrounds all organs, muscles, ligaments and bones.) Yin postures target specific body parts, especially the hips, to unlock and release stress, pain, and emotions stored deep within. In this all-levels class we use blocks, bolsters, breathwork, reflective meditation, and crystal sound bowls to relax your mind, rejuvenate your muscles, and leave you feeling more open, grounded and connected to your body.
Non-heated /60 minutes


80-89 Degrees

90-99 Degrees

100-105 Degrees

Be Power Flow

Be Sculpted Flow

Be Hot 60

Be Toned Barre 

Be Calm Yin


Be Rooted Gentle Flow

Be Hot Vinyasa Flow

An all-levels power vinyasa class that emphasizes the connection between mind and body, creating a harmonious and dynamic practice. 
95-99 Degrees / 60 minutes

Be Strong Pilates

An all levels mat Pilates class that emphasizes core strength, flexibility, and overall body and joint stability through controlled movements for a balanced and challenging workout.  

Barre Fusion is a hybrid workout that combines Ballet, Sculpt and Pilates. This class is designed to tone, define and lengthen muscles with emphasis on form, alignment, and core engagement. We combine balance, posture and strengthening exercises to provide a total body workout. We use high reps, low-impact, pulsating isometric movements and deep stretching that will fully sculpt your body. Balls, bands and weights are used to intensify your practice while increasing joint stability and full-body resiliency.  
 85-89 Degrees / 60 minute Class

This all-levels power flow class will begin with a slow smolder as your breath and body are ignited by the infrared heat. The fire within will continue to intensify as you flow through Sun A and Sun B, building up to a vigorous and dynamic vinyasa.
 95-99 Degrees / 60 minute Class

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